[thelist] Truth about cookies?

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Tue Nov 13 22:41:00 CST 2001


> From: Chris Johnston
> However, the press likes to claim that they scour your
> computer tracking your every move and reporting this
> info back to their master (and however else might be
> asking).

the press's job is to sensationalize things, whether or not the exaggeration
itself is true.

> Is there a website or a set of standards out there that
> describes exactly the limitations and design of cookies.
> Something that will clear up all the myths once and for
> all, or has someone created a way to engineer the cookie
> to be more then it appears? Is there a way for it to be
> malicious that I don't know about?

for all the poop on cookies -- mostly in layman's terms.

for the technical spec on how cookies are supposed to work.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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