[thelist] rotating images

Keith cache at dowebs.com
Mon Nov 19 18:05:07 CST 2001

> is it possible to stop this rotating cycle with an onClick action?

>  thisAd = 0
>  imgCt = adImages.length
>  function rotate() {
>   if (document.images) {
>    thisAd++
>    if (thisAd == imgCt) {
>     thisAd = 0
>    }
>    document.frm.src=adImages[thisAd]
>    setTimeout("rotate()", 1 * 200)
>   }
>  }


First add another global variable
rotate_on=1 <!--add this var-->

Then create a stop function and aim your stopper onClick event at it:
function stop(){rotate_on=0} <!--like so-->

Then break your loop apart from the originating call so the 
originating call simply sets a global variable and starts the loop 
(and can restart the loop if needed)

function rotate() {

function rotator(){   
 if (document.images) {
    if (thisAd == imgCt) {
     thisAd = 0
if(rotate_on==1){  <!--add this line-->
>    document.frm.src=adImages[thisAd]
>    setTimeout("rotator()", 1 * 200)
} <!--add this curly brace-->
>   }
>  }

There are more elegant ways but this crude interrupt will work


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