[thelist] Evolters from South Western Ontario - Perl quote question - Contact Offlist pls?

Faye Tarzwell (FayeC) ftarzwell at fayec.com
Tue Dec 18 13:44:41 CST 2001


I am not sure who else to ask so I am posting this here in the hope that
someone will contact me offlist so I can ask a few questions regarding
Perl programming quote in the area....

Thank you in advance,

Flavia Tarzwell (FayeC)

<tip type="quoting a job" author="FayeC">

Get more local information about price range of specific jobs before you
send the quote in.
That will give you an average idea of how to charge in the future...it
doesn't feel good to know *after* you have sent the quote in that you
have majorly undersold your work......


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