[thelist] tackling a major Javascript project -advice?

Ben Henick persist1 at io.com
Thu Dec 20 14:38:22 CST 2001

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001, // kerin  |  airside.co.uk wrote:

> Anybody know a good place to read up on this stuff? Particularly the
> click and drag method of creating DIVs....

DHTML Diner at Webreference will explain the way event capture works, what
its limitations are, and so on.  If you poke around there are some other
good DHTML references, though I don't know where a reliable "master list"
is kept any more.  (I just checked dansteinman.com, which seems to be
okay though I can't speak for its currency.)

Beyond that:  O'Reilly.

The matter of achieving standard-compliance in the scripting is a bit
tricker, as the DOM docs are dense for the average reader.  Further, the
kindest word I can use to describe DOM scripting as handled in IE5/Mac
and Opera 5+ is... "quirky."

Ben Henick
Web Author At-Large              Managing Editor
http://www.io.com/persist1/      http://www.digital-web.com/
persist1 at io.com                  bmh at digital-web.com
"Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?"
"I think so, Brain, but... (snort) no, no, it's too stupid."
"We will disguise ourselves as a cow."
"Oh!" (giggles) "That was it exactly!"

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