[thelist] To those ones who can't wait (is: IP theft)

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Thu Dec 20 15:45:18 CST 2001


> From: Miriam Frost
> > No, it was a forced, non-consensual relationship. It
> > may not be physical violence, but it is a use of
> > force: "I can do this, and I bet you can't stop me."
> Errrm. OK.
> Nevermind.
> Forget it.
> If you're going to equate someone stupidly posting a
> screengrab - which they shouldn't have done - with
> someone knocking my teeth out with their fist? Well.
> Allllllllrighty then.

on the contrary.  *you* are equating his use of the word "violence" with
knocking teeth in.  however, that's only one of the definitions of

1. Physical force exerted for the purpose of violating,
   damaging, or abusing: crimes of violence
2. The act or an instance of violent action or behavior.

i think he's using "violence" with regard to the following definition:

4. Abusive or unjust exercise of power

* http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=violence

in this instance he's spot on with his use of the word.  intellectual
property has been stolen.  the non-disclosure agreement has been violated.
apple has every right to pursue the offender for damages.

btw, all of you participating in this "is it 'violence'" thread owe tips.
pay up!

<tip type="bookmarklet" author=".jeff">

  wanna know the definition of a word on a page you're viewing in your
browser?  maybe you have a browser window open and just happen to have a
word pop into your head that you wanna know the definition for.  either way,
add this bookmarklet to your favorite browser (ie4+ or nn4+) and use it
whenever the need arises.  to use, simply highlight a word in the browser
and click the bookmarklet.  or, if a word isn't highlighted, it will give
you a prompt where you can type in the word.  once this is complete a new
window will open to dictionary.com with the definition (if it's available).

word would you like a definition




jeff at members.evolt.org

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