[thelist] [OT][Or is it?]Reliable Hosting?

Nicole Parrot nicole at parrot.ca
Wed Jan 2 15:36:51 CST 2002

From: "Chad Savage :: zTc" <jg3_savage at yahoo.com>
> The Question, then: Can anybody recommend a good provider who is reliable,
capable of handling database-driven sites, and actually answers the phone
when you call?

I've been with http://www.innerhost.com since oh... 1998? their web servers
are reliable, but I'm having problems with the mail. That's to say that once
every 6 months, my mail will be down for anywhere between 2 hours and 24
hours. I have yet to lose mail though.

Someone I trust recommended http://halfpricehosting.com  I'm considering
moving mainly beacause the mail problems.

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