[thelist] http://www.webskeleton.com - site review for all browsers

Aleem aleem at mindless.com
Fri Jan 18 12:52:40 CST 2002

> Who are your target audience for the site? Is it the end 
> owner of the site? Or is it an intermediary (say a business 
> strategy agency who's looking for a partner to take to the party)?
> If it's the former, why would they care about Flash demos, or 
> simple (much reduced so you don't see the subtlety) screenshots?

I guess I had some flash lying around so I put it up. I'll be making the
links active soon... I mentioned the hosting issues in my previous

Would you be kind enough to tell me what kind of people I should be
looking to target ? I am a sole developer and I simply don't know how to
go about fishing for clients. Would I advertise, approach small
businesses personally, ads on the web, email hr at poor sites... ??
> While once apon a 1999, clients bought anything that looked 
> swish, taking a punt on things which may or may not increase 
> revenue. These days, they're increasingly focused on 
> cost-justification: "This issue costs me £x. Can you solve it 
> for less than the benefit? Prove it."

> This doesn't mean that work always go to the cheapest bidder, 
> but you need to demonstrate that you add more value than your 
> fees cost, not just while you're pitching for the work, but 
> while you're carrying it out too.

(Sound familiar from what my Professor was saying a couple of days back
in regards with the London Ambulance Service).

Currently on the site I ask potential clients to email me links to 3 of
their chosen websites (stole the idea I came across some other site a
long time back - can't recall where). Would it be a better idea to give
the quotes or offer packages. I would appreciate links to other web
development websites of people from this list.

Thank you,
- aleem

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