[thelist] Monitor/Video Card recommendations

CDitty mail at redhotsweeps.com
Wed Jan 23 17:52:10 CST 2002

At 02:01 PM 1/23/2002, you wrote:
>The shadowing effect is definitely due to your monitor.  You might want
>to try manually futzing with your vertical/horizontal positioning and
>vert/horiz screen size.  Don't forget to hit that degauss button, too!

Wouldn't this move the "whole" screen?  Mr Degauss is my friend.  Pretty 
colors.  :)

>Also, make sure you have the latest driver for your monitor, and check
>your video refresh rate.  I've seen that problem on very old monitors,
>from plain old age.

Unfortunately, XP has it set on default monitor.  Can't find a way to 
change it.  I did
have it set correctly in other versions, but that didn't help.

>The wavy problem (is it localized to one portion/corner of your screen?)

center section

>is probably magnetic interference.  If you've ever had the unfortunate
>opportunity of opening up a device that uses a CRT, you'll notice the
>"neck" or harness of the tube has some very powerful magnets on it.
>Without going in to too much detail, any electromagnetic interference
>(unshielded speakers, motors, other CRTs) can cause some funny effects.
>Sometimes this can be fixed by changing your refresh rate, but usually
>you need to remove the source of interference.

Nope.  No mag interference.  Closest thing to it is my power console and my 
cordless phone.



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