[thelist] Pop-up tricks Q

Olly gnarly at punkass.com
Mon Jan 28 10:24:00 CST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: thelist-admin at lists.evolt.org
> Subject: [thelist] Pop-up tricks Q
> I'm back in my company's web development team, so i'll be bugging
> with silly questions :)


> 1) Is it possible to remove "Microsoft Internet Explorer" or
> "Nestcape" (etc) from page titles?. How? We've been asked to do it
> on a couple of pop-up windows.

The only way I've seen is to put a long trail of dots like
this after things. not sure if it works for a series of   though.

> 2) What's the cross-plattform trick for making the pop-up window
> appear on the center of the screen?

This is the one Anthony Baratta sent me - works great :-)

// popWindow function by Anthony Baratta, Opens new window in centre of
// to call: <a
function popWindow(theURL,winName,winWidth,winHeight,otherFeatures)
   var x = 0;
   var y = 0;
   x = (screen.availWidth - 12 - winWidth) / 2;
   y = (screen.availHeight - 48 - winHeight) / 2;
   if (otherFeatures != "") {otherFeatures = "," + otherFeatures}
   var features = "screenX=" + x + ",screenY=" + y + ",width=" + winWidth +
",height=" + winHeight+",top="+y+",left="+x+"'" + otherFeatures
   var NewWindow = window.open(theURL,winName,features);


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