[thelist] differences in alt vs. title attributes and <h#> tags

MRC webmaster at equilon-mrc.com
Mon Jan 28 15:06:01 CST 2002


> H3 {
>    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #006699;
>    font-weight: normal;
>    text-decoration: underline;
>    }

    I would strenuously argue against using "text-decoration: underline" for
anything but a hyperlink. The association of underlined text with
hyperlinking is very strong, even among (perhaps especially among)
experienced web users. IMO, it's the equivalent of placing a submit button
within a form that does nothing when clicked.
    Instead, I'd suggest using a slightly smaller font size for your H3s
than for your H2s, or some other means of distinguishing your H3s from other
heading levels that would avoid user confusion.
    My two cents.

James Aylard

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