[thelist] Cold Fusion

Mark Howells mark at mountain.ch
Fri Feb 1 15:08:00 CST 2002

> Macromedia's Cold Fusion. Don't know too much about it and am
> curious as to how it may help a just now blossoming new Design Firm?
> How may
> it be offered as a service to clients. Is it worth learning? Thanks all!

If you understand the concept of server-side processing, then ColdFusion
is a good, stable solution which allows all manner of functionality when
tied to a solid database; I used it for a year or so, connected to a
multi-million record SQL database setup and it was more than up to the

The main drawback is that you have to buy ColdFusion; I use PHP and
MySQL for commercial web projects, which is a much more economical way
to go for new, smaller businesses. Of course, if you have the ability to
pass all the server costs on to the client, then that won't be a problem.

Mark Howells

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