[thelist] Apache on a Windows box

Michael Galvin mpgalvin at eircom.net
Sat Feb 23 15:42:01 CST 2002

I'm developing at home a lot these days, and have managed to install PHP,
MySQL, etc onto my Win98 machine, with PWS.  I saw a tip here on theList
that made it easier to install Apache on a Windows machine, and I wonder if
it's something I should be bothered with.  PWS works fine as a webserver of
sorts, right?  The only reason I would really need to install Apache is if I
want to learn more about as a webserver?

And, by rights, I owe about a thousand tips by now, but I honestly don't
have any.  Oh, except "don't hit on your friend's girlfriend, no matter how
drunk you are", but that's more common sense than a tip.


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