[thelist] broken web page

dn at dittodesign.co.uk dn at dittodesign.co.uk
Fri Mar 1 07:00:02 CST 2002

Hi I'm new here as of 20mins ago.

And I'm gonna be really rude and jump straight in with
a question. Problem is I need to get this fixed in order to
get paid before the end of the day. So I hope you will
all forgive me and allow me to do the introductions later.

Could any one with a minute to spare have
a quick glance at this.


It's screenshot of www.odaban.com in IE6. I'm sure the
problem is to do with the spacer gif's used in the page but why.
Is something disabled in the browser ?
It uses an image preload Javascript to load the images so I disabled
Java and had a look myself. The page loads fine although
certain effects and links don't work obviously. Only IE6 to on this
one persons machine, very strange. Fine for me and others in
NS 4.5, 4.7, 6.2, IE 5, 5.5 & 6.

Any help much appreciated.

BTW not my design, designed exactly to the clients spec, and
I mean Exactly.

Darren Yates
dn at dittodesign.co.uk

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