[thelist] Flash MX article

Richard Bennett richard.bennett at skynet.be
Tue Mar 5 05:17:00 CST 2002

I was pleasantly surprised by the good flash-detection script (flash
installed, but disabled was detected), and the excellent html version of the
No, they didn't go so far as to actually use alt tags, or anything that
extravagant, and yes, they do use images (without alt) instead of text for
titles, but it is cross-browser, and overall it's a lot better than many
secondary versions, offering real choice to the user.
(Except that you never get the choice anywhere... you're either detected as
Flash - or you're not.)


----- Original Message -----
From: "MRC" <webmaster at equilon-mrc.com>

> http://news.com.com/2100-1040-849981.html
> The example that news.com.com cited (the Broadmoor Hotel) is pretty
> remarkable. I'm sure some of the zealots will have complaints but from a
> usability standpoint, this application seems way nicer than most of the UI

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