[thelist] Mozilla/NS6 table rendering problems?

MRC webmaster at equilon-mrc.com
Tue Mar 5 16:32:01 CST 2002


> While modifying some Dreamweaver templates so they to contain
> validate HTML, I noticed that some pages do not display the way I expect
> in Mozilla/NS6.  For example, <http://www.luther.edu/> looks as
> expected in most browsers, but some of the cells have extra vertical
> whitespace in the Mozilla/NS6.  Any suggestions?

    Ah, the Netscape 6 line-height effect. Take a look at an article I wrote
some time back on the issue [1] -- which is now somewhat dated -- and read
the comments following it for some additional suggestions on fixes. Also,
one fix that I think might work, although I haven't yet tested it
exhaustively, is to apply line-height: 0px to all tds which contain images
that need to be positioned in a pixel-precise fashion.

James Aylard

1. "Does Netscape 6 Break Your Table Layouts?"

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