[thelist] Error replying to list

isaac isaac at members.evolt.org
Thu Mar 7 22:08:01 CST 2002

> 1 messages left to send, RCPT to: <I'll never tell>
> Can't send to 'someperson at domain.com'. The server gives this reason : '550
> 5.7.1 <same address> ... Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed [my ip
> address]'

I get this frequently also. To send to someone offlist, I have to use a
different account.

It seems to occur when I try to email from my MEO account to a non-MEO
address, where the domain/subdomain of said address hosts a/another
subscriber to thelist (this includes many ISPs, etc).


triple zero digital | upstairs at 200 the parade, norwood 5067
(08)83320545 | www.triplezero.com.au | isaac at triplezero.com.au

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