[thelist] Re: real men code by hand...

Nick Wilson nick at explodingnet.com
Mon Mar 18 14:04:00 CST 2002

Hash: SHA1

* and then katherine declared....
> am I on the wrong list? If this is a moderated list, tell me now so I
> can run.

Very mildly moderated. There is a general rule that seems to work nicely
which is if you're posting off topic then provide a tip like this:

<tip type="php coding practice" author="nick wilson">
    When writing applications in php it's a good idea to make everything
    as 'changeable' as possible. One easy way of doing this is to have a
    config.php script that holds all the definable variables in one
    place allowing the quick modification of your app.

    As an example, in a php contact form app you may have such definable
    variables as:

    *   which fields get validated
    *   the error/welcome and success messages
    *   the recipient of the formatted form data
    *   etc.....

    This means you spend less time re-writing the same old code every
    time you need to do something similar but slightly different.


> I've been to England and I loved it.

Well i like the sentiment but its relavance is.....?

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