[thelist] Website Downloaders

Peter Kaulback pkaulbak at idirect.ca
Wed Mar 20 20:37:00 CST 2002

Wow, Black Widow is far better than Site Snag by a long shot.
Happy first day of spring.

Peter Kaulback

<tip type=Mac on Windows author=Peter Kaulback>
Do you need to test pages on a Mac but don't have one or even know a Mac
user then use a Mac emulator.  Apple provides an older OS for free (7.5.3)
and software is abundant.  Emulators are free (Basilisk) or they can be
purchased SoftMac.  Either way it's cheaper than buying  the whole system.

In the hour of 08:56 PM 3/20/2002 -0500, aardvark spoke this:
> > From: "Gina K. Anderson" <gina at sitediva.com>
> >
> > In need of a web site downloader that will pull down the site as
> > structured in the server. I need a mirror of the site, not an altered
> > one :) I've looked at several, but the ones I've seen don't tell me if
> > it messes with the folder and file structure or not. I've tried two,
> > and I don't get what I want.
>which two?  cuz if it's one i'm gonna suggest...
>Black Widow...
>works well for me...

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