[thelist] Select Menus - Are they usefull?

Donald Noble donald at accessiblecomputers.co.uk
Fri Mar 22 18:09:00 CST 2002

I would like peoples opinion on whether using <selects> to create a
'drop down menu' are usefull?

On our site <http://www.AccessibleComputers.co.uk> I use one as part of
the header to allow users to quickly get to any product type, the second
level in a 3 tiered navigation system.

I have read material by both Jukka Korpela and Jakob Nielsen, who both
argue against them, but it does provide a compact method of showing a
lot of choices.

The form is submited to a php page, which rediects to the correct page,
so JavaScript dependancy is not an issue here.

(also posted to alt.html)

Cheers, Donald
 Hardware, Software & Custom built PC Systems

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