[thelist] XML: Multiple attributes for an HREF

Eric Engelmann eric.engelmann at geonetric.com
Wed Apr 17 15:13:02 CDT 2002

I am trying to make an HREF tag with multiple querystring parameters using
XML and XSL. Here's what I've got, but its not working:

<a><xsl:attribute name="href">addcontact.asp?ID=<xsl:value-of
select="//Partner/@ID" />&PartnerName=<xsl:value-of select="//Partner/@Name"
/></xsl:attribute>Add Contact</a>

I'm missing something obvious, I'm sure. There's got to be an easy
way to do this. If I remove the second xsl:value-of statement, I get the
HREF with one parameter just fine. Adding the second hoses it.

Any ideas?

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