[thelist] Question of directory

Daniel Medley dm at lgcy.com
Mon Apr 22 03:40:00 CDT 2002

Being new to this whole thing, this may seem a goofy question but here goes:
Say you have index.html in a root directory and within that root directory
you have sub-directories for various catigories of your website. Perhaps you
have bla.html in the bla sub-directory. Now, in the root directory where
index.html is at you have your style sheet called whatever.css. If you want
to link bla.html to whatever.css, would you have it as such, <link
rel="stylesheet" href="../whatever.css" type="text/css" />? This works but
it seems a bit cumbersom. Especially if I happen to have another
sub-directory within my bla directory and wanted to link it to whatever.css.
Would I then use, ../../whatever.css in my link tag, or is there another way
to approach this that I'm not aware of?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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