[thelist] win32 perl, maxlength for @argv?

ashok at magicalkenya.com ashok at magicalkenya.com
Fri May 24 12:17:01 CDT 2002

>in win2k the properties window I get for the shortcut has these tabs:
>General, Shortcut, Options, Font, Layout, Colors, Security
>Options has familiar looking options - cursor size, display options,
>command history (buffer size, number of buffers), edit options -- but I
>don't see anywhere to actually change the environment memory?? does this
>live somewhere else ?

Oops , i had some old .pif files on my win2k comp (it was orig. upgraded
from win98)  - these used to have a memory setting.
In  win2k the command buffer is fixed at around 2046 bytes.   so you are
going to run in to a problem if you have a large
command line like :

c:\>abc.exe file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt......  file100.txt

windows as such does have a single command line limitation length of 32K ,
the cmd.exe imposes a much smaller limit of 2046 bytes
if you are going above the 32k limit you better rethink the way your app is

i would recommend that you split up your commands into sequential calls
(that might mean changing the way your program works though...)

something like this in a batch file (i assume your files are named
sequentially ...)
for %%d in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11...) do abc.exe  file%d.txt

this will  automatically execute it against the files 1 by 1 like this :

c:\>abc.exe file1.txt
c:\>abc.exe file2.txt
c:\>abc.exe file100.txt

On the other hand , you could also try passing the command line from a
vbscript (wsf windows scripting file) program  or a proper vb
executable......which might overcome the command line length limitation

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'take in the command line file name parameters as an InputBox
'or read in the parameters from an external text file....
strCmdLine = ...the command line params as mentioned above...
' Start the program that is placed in sAddOn
WshShell.Run "c:\\abc.exe" & strCmdLine

the wshshell.run command executes your app under the context of the
cscript.exe interepretr and as such IMO should not suffer from the 2046
byte command.com and cmd.exe limitations....


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