[thelist] Re: Page faults

ashok at magicalkenya.com ashok at magicalkenya.com
Thu May 30 11:15:01 CDT 2002

there can be quite a few things causing this :

the primary reason i have found for this faulty asp code :

1) doing set x = server.createobjects without finally setting x = nothing .
(it specially begins to show up badly as page faults when you have some
custom vb components being created...these are memory hogs...)
if you are using iis4 this can get worse

2)maybe you have some evil loops in your code ?
do while not rs.eof
<theres a missing rs.movenext>
this kind of code can lead to memory exhaustion
or else
there could be a badly coded for loop without proper exit conditions which
might cause an infinite loop...

3)i do hope you are running each asp app in its own process space ? you
could isolate the problem in that way by checking event log / performance

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