[thelist] (parameters & ASP)

belinda belinda at prodsol.net
Thu May 30 13:45:01 CDT 2002

RE: >What you want to do is change this:
><form method="post"...>
>to this:
><form method="get"...>

It seriously is that simple? No wonder I'm feeling ignorant....

>I presume in your ASP code you're using the Request object to
get these
>values right now correct?  How are you using it?  As
>Request("parameterName") or Request.Form("paramaterName")?

In a current survey I am using Request("parameterName").

So changing the method from "post" to "get" will still write
the results to the database the same way it always has but will
also send the elaborated URL to the log file?

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