[thelist] Mozilla 1.0 final is out

Andy Warwick mailing.lists at creed.co.uk
Wed Jun 5 17:59:00 CDT 2002

| On 2002/06/05, the head lemur said:

> and it works great!!

Though I thought it wasn't at first, hence a timely tip that I owe from the
rip-offs thread...

<tip type="Mozilla, Netscape, Gecko and broken CSS" author="Andy Warwick">
Is Mozilla, Netscape 6 or any Gecko-based browser, not showing your imported CSS
files correctly?

It's more than likely a problem with the file's MIME type because the browser is
in "Strict Mode".

For more details see
but basically it's because the web server is serving up the CSS file with a MIME
type of "text/plain" rather than "text/css"

The best solution is to get your ISP to change it, though if you are using
Apache you can add the following line to your .htaccess file to fix it.

AddType text/css css


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