[thelist] Netscape... why?

rudy r937 at interlog.com
Thu Jun 6 22:41:19 CDT 2002

> ugh... the @import technique solves the NS4 problem,
> but it doesn't solve the same problem in several other
> browsers still in use... ie4.x/win for one...

point taken

actually, i remember ie4.x/win had pretty good css support (can't tell any
more, though, because this one piece of software i bought insisted on
upgrading ie to 5 or else it wouldn't install, and that still frosts my
buns when i think about it)

okay, how about these other strategies --

  ~ use standard css, and just let the old browsers barf on it

  ~ use only those css elements where none of the old browsers barf

given those choices, the @import technique is better than nothing...


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