[thelist] browsers render... for particular medium! Nominal (template?) style sheet, etc.

Bill Mason evolt at accessibleinter.net
Mon Jun 10 03:39:01 CDT 2002

At 01:23 AM 06/10/2002, you wrote:
>Within the CSS2 spec, download their file
>Appendix A (titled something like AppendixA.html?), which is a COMPLETE
>sample style sheet. Specifically, it is the style sheet they recommend
>HTML 4.0 browsers use while rendering. So it makes a good default, or a
>starting place, for anyone who wants a starting point to build a
>slightly different one.

Maybe it's just my taste or my coding needs, but I thought their sheet was

I use this one sometimes, with my own modifications, as a base:


Bill Mason
Accessible Internet
evolt at accessibleinter.net

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