[thelist] CSS inheritance

Joel Canfield joel at spinhead.com
Sun Jun 23 11:15:01 CDT 2002

> It happens because the first selector (a:link)  has higher
> specificity than the second (.quote) and specificity is
> considered before the order. If you change the second
> selector to from just ".a" to "a.quote" it will have the same
> specificity as "a:link" (I think...ahem) and the rules should
> behave as you expected.
> http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/cascade.html#cascading-order
> http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/cascade.html#specificity
> pandy

Bingo! Thanks pandy (and Dmytro)

Now working as expected. (I'm reading Eric and Steve's new CSS book as fast
as I can, but not absorbing fast enough.)


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