[thelist] Opening Maximized Window

Syed Zeeshan Haider szh at hotpop.com
Tue Jun 25 19:45:00 CDT 2002

The lengthy chunk of JavaScript that you posted is too complex for me to
For what purpose is it made?
Syed Zeeshan Haider.

----- Original Message -----
From: "=?gb2312?B?0e8gw/uh7w==?=" <yangming007 at hotmail.com>
To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
Subject: Re: [thelist] Opening Maximized Window
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 14:09:31 +0000
Reply-To: thelist at lists.evolt.org

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

<script language="JavaScript">
function Page(url,title,keywords,description) {
while ((url.length > 0) && (url.charAt(0) == " ")) {
url = url.substring(1,url.length);
this.url = url;
while ((title.length > 0) && (title.charAt(0) == " ")) {
title = title.substring(1,title.length);
this.title = title;
this.keywords = keywords;
this.description = description;
return this;
function Database() {
var pos = 0;
while ((pos1 = amorphous.indexOf("~",pos)) != -1) {
pos2 = amorphous.indexOf("|",pos1+1);
pos3 = amorphous.indexOf("^",pos2+1);
pos4 = amorphous.indexOf("*",pos3+1);
if ((pos2 != -1)
&& (pos2 < pos3) && (pos3 < pos4)
&& (pos4 <= amorphous.indexOf("*",pos))) {
this[database_length++] = new Page(amorphous.substring(pos,pos1),
pos = pos4+1;
} else { // error reading amorphous database
if (pos+30 <= amorphous.length)
alert('Error reading in amorphous database around "'
+ amorphous.substring(pos,pos+30) + '"');
pos = amorphous.indexOf("*",pos) + 1;
return this;
function search(str) {
menu_length = 0;
temp = new Object();
temp_length = 0;
words_length = 0;
words = new Object();
pos = 0;
while ((pos = str.indexOf(" ")) != -1
&& and_search != "exact") {
words[words_length] = str.substring(0,pos);
if (words[words_length].length > 0)
if (str.length == 1)
str = str.substring(pos+1,str.length);
if (str.length > 0)
words[words_length++] = str;
for (q=0;q<words_length;q++) {
temp_length = 0;
str = words[q].toLowerCase();
len = (and_search=="and"&&q>0?menu_length:database_length);
for (n=0; n<len; n++) {
if (and_search=="and"&&q>0) {
combo = (menu[n].title + " " + menu[n].description
+ " " + menu[n].keywords).toLowerCase();
} else {
combo = (database[n].title + " " + database[n].description
+ " " + database[n].keywords).toLowerCase();
if (combo.indexOf(str) != -1) // found
temp[temp_length++] = (and_search=="and"&&q>0?menu[n]:database[n]);
if (and_search!="and" && q>0) {
added = 0;
for (i=0;i<temp_length;i++) {
duplicate = false;
for (j=0;j<menu_length&&!duplicate;j++) {
if (menu[j] == temp[i]) {
duplicate = true;
if (!duplicate)
menu[menu_length+(added++)] = temp[i];
menu_length += added;
} else {
menu[h] = temp[h];
menu_length = temp_length;
function entry() {
if ((document.entryform.keyword.value.length == 0)
|| (document.entryform.keyword.value == " ")) {
return false;
and_search = (document.entryform.and_or.selectedIndex == 0?"and":"or");
if (document.entryform.and_or.selectedIndex == 2)
and_search = "exact";
location.href = location.pathname + "?"
+ escape(document.entryform.keyword.value)
+ (and_search != "or"?"&"+and_search:"");
return false;
function redWord(str) {
for(r=0; r<words_length; r++) {
pos = -3;
word = words[r].toLowerCase();
while ((pos = str.toLowerCase().indexOf(word,pos+3)) != -1) {
val = pos+word.length;
str = str.substring(0,pos) + "*"
+ str.substring(pos,val) + "|"
+ str.substring(val,str.length);
pos = -16;
while ((pos = str.toLowerCase().indexOf("*",pos+16)) != -1)
str = str.substring(0,pos) + "<font color=red>"
+ str.substring(pos+1,str.length);
pos = -7;
while ((pos = str.toLowerCase().indexOf("|",pos+7)) != -1)
str = str.substring(0,pos) + "</font>"
+ str.substring(pos+1,str.length);
return str;

var amorphous = document.database.list.value;
temp_str = amorphous.substring(amorphous.length-2,amorphous.length);
if (temp_str.indexOf("*") == -1)
amorphous += "* ";
amorphous += " "; // amorphous database must have characters after last

database_length = 0; // Netscape 2 fix
var database = new Database(); // read in from amorphous database

menu_length = 0; // Netscape 2 fix
var menu = new Object();

string = "";
and_search = "or";
if (location.search.length > 1) {
string = unescape(location.search.substring(1,location.search.length));
pos = 0;
while ((pos = string.indexOf('"',pos)) != -1) {
string = string.substring(0,pos) + '\\"' +
pos += 2;
if (string.substring(string.length-4,string.length) == "&and") {
string = string.substring(0,string.length-4);
and_search = "and";
} else if (string.substring(string.length-6,string.length) == "&exact") {
string = string.substring(0,string.length-6);
and_search = "exact";
} else if (string.substring(string.length-3,string.length) == "&or") {
string = string.substring(0,string.length-3);
and_search = "or";
document.write('<form name="entryform" onSubmit="return entry()">'
+'Search for:<input type="text" size=22 '
+'name="keyword" value="'+string+'"> '
+'<input type="button" value="Search" onClick="entry()"><br><select
name="and_or" '
+'size=1><option'+(and_search=="and"?" selected":"")+'>Search All word '
+'(AND)<option'+(and_search=="or"?" selected":"")+'>Search any word '
+'(OR)<option'+(and_search=="exact"?" selected":"")+'>Exact '
if (location.search.length > 1)

for (n=0; n<menu_length; n++)
document.write('<a href="'+menu[n].url+'">'+menu[n].title
+'</a><br>'+redWord(menu[n].description)+'<br>Keywords: '
if ((menu_length == 0) && (location.search.length > 1))
// -->


<!-- hide

function goHist(a)





>From: Hershel Robinson
>Reply-To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
>To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
>Subject: Re: [thelist] Opening Maximized Window
>Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 17:07:18 +0200
> > You have to do it with JavaScript...and as far as I know, you can't
> > maximize the window. You _can_ find the maximum height and width for the
> > available desktop space and set your browser size to that. So you'd have
> > write yourself a little JavaScript function that was called OnLoad.
>Hmmm. If I recall correctly, this code worked for me once:
> >function openFull() { > ns4 = (document.layers)? true: false > if (ns4) { >
h = screen.height > w = screen.width >
>tatus=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no") > } > else { >
>bar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no') > } >} >
>This code goes in the calling page, NOT NewPage, and it will open NewPage
>fullscreen. Just use this:
> Open Full Screen Window
> [1]
>in the calling page.
>I found this code in a page I made once. No guarantees it works. :)
>For unsubscribe and other options, including
>the Tip Harvester and archive of thelist go to:
>http://lists.evolt.org Workers of the Web, evolt !

ÏíÓÃÊÀ½çÉÏ×î´óµÄ Web µç×ÓÓʼþϵͳ ¡ª MSN Hotmail¡£ÇëÄúµ¥»÷´Ë´¦[2]

  1. javascript://
  2. http://g.msn.com/1HM500401/36

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