[thelist] Linux Tip

Mark Groen mark at markgroen.com
Tue Jul 9 21:54:01 CDT 2002

My last post still isn't showing until I add this tip to it I 'spose:

<tip type="linux">
If you work in the console, you can redefine the keyboard-mappings of any
key, so that this key executes any command of your choice.
For this to work, you first need to find out the keycode of the desired key,
e.g. F12. You do this by executing showkey, and then pressing F12.
Showkey will now show you this output:
   $ showkey
   press any key (program terminates after 10s of last keypress)...
   keycode  28 release
   keycode  88 press
   keycode  88 release
  Keycode 28 (release) means that you just released your ENTER-key.
Keycode 88 (press and release) is shown because you just pressed and
released F12. The showkey command will end after you have waited 10
seconds without pressing any key.
Repeat this procedure as often as nessesary to find out all the keycodes you
Now we can change the so-called Kernel String Table , by issueing the
command loadkeys, and then entering your strings.

   $ loadkeys
   keycode 88 = F12
   keycode 125 = F40
   string F12 = "ls\n"
   keycode F40 = "mikmod -rp /usr/local/data/mod/*.mod\n"
  Now press CTRL-d to leave loadkeys. That's it.



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