[thelist] list of deprecated tags?

Mark Gallagher mark at cyberfuddle.com
Mon Aug 19 17:40:00 CDT 2002

Tom Dell'Aringa wrote:
 > I'm having no luck finding a good list of HTML deprecated tags for
 > XHTML, even on the w3c site..anyone?

Can't think of one.  Which version of XHTML?  I don't believe XHTML2 has
*any* deprecated tags - they're all either removed altogether or left
in.  XHTML1.1, not sure.  XHTML1.0 has the same list as HTML4.0:

<applet> (replaced by <object>)
<basefont> (replaced by CSS)
<center> (replaced by CSS)
<dir> (replaced by <ul>)
<font> (replaced by CSS)
<frame> (no replacement[0])
<frameset> (no replacement[0])
<isindex> (no replacement)
<menu> (replaced by <ul>)
<noframes> (no replacement[0])
<s> (replaced by CSS)
<strike> (replaced by <s>, replaced by CSS)
<u> (replaced by CSS)

alink="colour" (from <body>, replaced by CSS)
bgcolor="colour" (from <body> and <table> tags, replaced by CSS)
compact (from <ul> and <ol>, replaced by CSS)
face="font-family" (from <font>, replaced by CSS)
height="number" (from <table>, replaced by CSS)
hspace="number" (from <img>, replaced by CSS)
language="lang" (from <script>, replaced by type="mime-type")
link="colour" (from <body>, replaced by CSS)
noshade (from <hr>, replaced by CSS)
object="objectname" (from <applet>, all <applet> attributes removed)
start="number" (from <ol>, no replacement)
text="colour" (from <body>, replaced by CSS)
type="info" (from <ul> and <ol>, replaced by CSS)
version="info" (from <html>, no replacement[1])
vlink="colour" (from <body>, replaced by CSS)
width="number" (from <table>, replaced by CSS)

Maybe I should make this into an article.  No, damnit, I *should* make
it into an article.  But an evolt article or a "my own, darnsharnit"
article?  Hmm, I don't even know how to write evolt articles.  I don't
even know that I can...

[0] All frame-related tags have been removed from HTML4.x/XHTMLx.x, and
     so only appear in Frameset DOCTYPEs.  <iframes>, mysteriously,

[1] While technically version="" has not been replaced, it was decided
     that including version information when a DOCTYPE was already
     mandatory was redundant, so version="" was removed.

Mark Gallagher
Desperately attempting - and failing - to stay on topic since 1999
fuddleriffic - http://cyberfuddle.com/
blog - http://cyberfuddle.com/infinitebabble/

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