[thelist] ASP is dying. Long live ASP.NET!

Duane Douglas email.lists at verizon.net
Sat Aug 31 19:16:01 CDT 2002

>Needless to say, the art of web development has evolved over the years.
>New technologies continue to emerge to ease and simplify this discipline.
>ASP.NET is firmly established in the next phase of this evolution.
>* ASP.NET implements *web forms*, which are compiled code modules that
>represent dynamic web pages.
>* ASP.NET also has various caching mechanisms available as part of the
>application programming interface which dramatically simplifies this
>aspect of dynamic web site development.
>* ASP.NET automatically detects and recovers from errors like deadlocks
>and memory leaks to ensure your application is always available to your
>users. For example, say that your application has a small memory leak, and
>that after a week the leak has tied up a significant percentage of your
>server's virtual memory.  ASP.NET will detect this condition,
>automatically start up another copy of the ASP.NET worker process, and
>direct all new requests to the new process.  Once the old process has
>finished processing its pending requests, it is gracefully disposed and
>the leaked memory is released.  Automatically, without administrator
>intervention or any interruption of service, ASP.NET has recovered from
>the error.
>ASP.NET is easy to learn, but the programming model is huge.  ASP.NET can
>be programmed only with one of the .NET languages (i.e. C# or VB.NET).  C#
>is easy to learn for anyone who has experience programming in Java.
>VB.NET is (essentially) a new language.  VB.NET is radically different
>from VB.
>Programming ASP.NET requires (at least some) knowledge of the .NET
>Framework Class Library (FCL).  The FCL is also huge in that it contains
>over 4000 classes.  However, this is a boon to developers in that it
>simplifies custom class development via resusable code.
>The above respresents only a portion of the advantages and features of
>ASP.NET.  Nonetheless, ASP.NET is a significant improvement over classic ASP.

Duane Douglas
Computer Consultant
mailto:ddouglas at mindspring.com

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