[thelist] Site Test (XHTML 1.0 Strict)

Jay Blanchard jay.blanchard at niicommunications.com
Wed Sep 4 06:53:01 CDT 2002

I've just built my personal company site and was wondering if I could
enlist the help of a couple of people to tell me what they think (ie rip
it to bits). It should be XHTML1.0 Strict but I've sniffed the client
and got a NN4 version roughly working by using a regexp block inside PHP
Smarty (adding border=0 to linked images stripping out css etc.) Means
I've only got one code block to maintain.

The sites at www.pollenation.net.

When I arrived at the site the text size was too small, so I enlarged the
font. The problem is that only the body text and right side box text
increased in size ... not the navigation text size. Made the nav text hard
to read and use, especially since the expanded items for any given primary
item were normal text, making it less readable. The color of the nav items
appears washed out against the background, and combining that with size
makes the nav items less readable. The body and right box text also suffer
from color problems at higher resolutions, appearing washed out.

Also, glueing the structure to the left side of the browser (instead of
using a liquid layout) was distracting. There seems to be a lot of layout
control exercized by using tables instead of CSS.

The design is quite attractive, I especially loved the pictures used. Where
did you get them? Are those types of pics available from an image site? I am
looking for some like that for a presentation that I am doing.



* Texas PHP Developers Conf  Spring 2003            *
* T Bar M Resort & Conference Center                *
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* Contact jay.blanchard at niicommunications.com       *
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