[thelist] automatically ping/check maintenance sites?

Anthony Baratta Anthony at Baratta.com
Fri Sep 20 15:51:01 CDT 2002

At 12:34 PM 9/20/2002, Tom Dell'Aringa wrote:
>Does anyone know how I could automatically check to see if a site is
>up without physically pointing my browser there each day? I have a
>few clients that I need to check each day. I'd love to be able to
>have something automatically check the sites and email me if there is
>a problem. I have a php site so I could use that...

We use What's Up. You can pay for services like http://www.redalert.com/ .

I there are a ton of system monitor scripts that you can use listed at
Fresh Meat and Sourc Forge:




Anthony Baratta
Keyboard Jockeys

"Conformity is the refuge of the unimaginative."

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