[thelist] CSS bug? can't find it

s t e f notabene at members.evolt.org
Sun Oct 13 04:00:00 CDT 2002

<who="rudy" when="19:41 12/10/02 -0400">
>stef, the padding is probably affecting that calculation
>set your screen resolution high enough, and you'll see
>it's the infamous box model problem, i think

Mmmh, yeah, I keep on thinking this one will not apply to me, I guess... ;-)
On your suggestion I changed from:

div.colonne { width:45%; padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; float:left; }


div.colonne { width:25%; padding:0px 10px 0px 10px;  margin:0; float:left;
  voice-family: "\"}\"";

It _does_ work although on IE I still have to fine-tune it so that it
displays roughly the same.

Thank you rudy, where should I send the Champagne? ;-)

(side note: I set my screen resolution up to 1600*1200 to no avail with my
code, so screen res is not a sufficient indicator that you're in front of
the box model bug-problem-thingie).
(other side note: maybe we're confronted here with something else too, that
has to do with which container is used for relative calculation: Netscape
uses the container and IE really seems to use the viewport).
(last side note: hey rudy, read the source at nota-bene.org/ and thanks again)

s t e f

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