[thelist] BB or Forum Software

Greg Weiler wilee70 at members.evolt.org
Thu Oct 17 21:51:01 CDT 2002

I've seen the question posted before, "Can you recommend good
forum/Discussion/Bulletin Board software?"

I've checked out a lot of those mentioned in response to these questions,
and found some excellent solutions.

I have a client who is separating from an organization that used FirstClass
software from Centrinity (formerly by SoftArc). They would like something
that resembles FirstClass as much as possible, to ease the transition.
FirstClass features folder-based conferences with threaded discussions
within folders.

Is anyone aware of anything that is web based, cheap and similar to
FirstClass? (The main reason they don't want to license FirstClass is the

Any and all help is appreciated, and I apologise for bringing the topic up

Greg Weiler
wilee at golden.net

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