[thelist] smtp server setup

Andrew Maynes andrew at humanbehaviour.co.uk
Mon Dec 2 06:20:01 CST 2002

there is a user anme in this field but I didn't set it up.  Its admin, where
will I find the rest of the details associated with the user name?  This sounds
quite promising.....


On 2 Dec 2002 at 11:57, Andrew Maynes wrote:

> 'notification discarded potential loop' seems to be the main problem

no big deal. Check in Configuration > Mercury code module >
general what username you gave as postmaster: if that entry is not
correct (i.e. if the user does not exist), Mercury can't send any
error message (to *postmaster*). It's a protection to prevent a loop
(error message about error message about error message...) that could
quickly drain resources from your machine and fill up the hard disk.



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