[thelist] smtp server setup

Massimo Mezzini webmaster at menouno.com
Mon Dec 2 08:48:01 CST 2002

On 2 Dec 2002 at 14:27, Andrew Maynes wrote about
RE: [thelist] smtp server setup:

> no suprise here... when I select config Manage local usrs the program
> crashes :(

it could be because it doesn't know were you want those users handled

> I only want to use the smtp to send mail from ascript not as a gateway
> for a mail client.

well, for one it could be really useful being able to actually read
the error messages sent to postmaster/admin.
You don't need to use PMail but by simply installing it - with admin
as your default user - you would make the user creation process a lot
easier. It will only take a minute....



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