[thelist] ASP & the Find Method

ceverett51 at attbi.com ceverett51 at attbi.com
Tue Dec 3 13:41:00 CST 2002

I am building an ASP page that I want to open a Db and find a record matching a
field from a form on a previous ASP page. the problem I am running into is that
I keep receiving an error for "Rowset does not support scrolling backward. "

Here is a copy of the relevant ASP code:
<%Dim varFName
varFName = Request ("fname")
Set oRSc.Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRSc.Open "SELECT CallLog_Table.First_Name, CallLog_Table.Last_Name,
CallLog_Table.Building, CallLog_Table.Room_Number, CallLog_Table.Date,
CallLog_Table.Time, Log_Table.[Last Name], Log_Table.[Completed_(Y/N)],
Log_Table.Completed_By, Log_Table.Problem, Log_Table.Resolution FROM
CallLog_Table INNER JOIN Log_Table ON CallLog_Table.Last_Name = Log_Table.[Last
Name];", "DSN=contact"
oRSc.Find "First_Name = " & chr(39) & varFName & chr(39)
IF oRSc.EOF Then
        oRSc.Field ....
        oRSc.Field ....
End IF

What do I need to change in this code to get it to work correctly

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