[thelist] Testing for the various NULL's

David.Cantrell at Gunter.AF.mil David.Cantrell at Gunter.AF.mil
Thu Dec 5 12:58:01 CST 2002

>In VBScript, any comparison operator ( =, <>, etc.) will evaluate to Null
>when used with a Null value -- and Null is treated as False for the
>of if statements, etc.  To test whether a variable contains a NULL value,
>use the isnull() function, eg:
>	if not(isnull(myvar)) then
>		'blah blah
>	end if

Yeah, I must've flamed out because I offered up the "if foo is not null"
line and it doesn't work, obviously.

Rob: Regarding your error message about an object required and wondering if
"is not" is not supported, yes the "is" operator is supported since version
1, it just checks that both variables are pointers to the same object. So it
has nothing to do with null at all.


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