[thelist] link management

Pete Prodoehl pete.prodoehl at cygnusinteractive.com
Thu Jan 9 10:18:06 CST 2003

You might want to look at jEdit http://jedit.org/

It's free (GPL'd) and has a lot of plugins, and is very cusomizable.

Syntax highlighting is done using xml config files that you can
tweak/create on your own if needed. Of course it supports like 60
languages out of the box ;)

It's a text editor though, not an HTML editor. This may be a feature or
a bug depending on your point of view.

It's written in Java, so performance is sometimes and issue, but it runs
on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, etc...


> it's syntax highlighting is lacking just like frontpage.
> my major gripe with the highlighting is that everything in between <% %>
> is all colored similarly. this happens in both frontpage and 1st page.
> within html-kit, you get true syntax.

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