[thelist] What is this character

rudy r937 at interlog.com
Sun Jan 12 16:14:00 CST 2003

> http://www.sportsmenafield.com/strange_character.html

that's a hex 95 character

you can enter it into a text file using notepad and a pc keyboard by
pressing and holding down the alt key while entering the numbers 0 1 4 9
and then releasing the alt key

you can code for it in an html document using the numeric entity &0149;

would you want to do this?  not on the world wide web, no

  "ISO-8859-1 does not assign displayable characters to code points
   in the range (decimal)128-159. Some platforms (e.g MS Windows)
   that are otherwise ISO-8859-1 conformant, might use these codes
   to represent additional character encodings, but they cannot and
   should not be relied on for communicating information on the World
   Wide Web - they could display as anything, or nothing, on other
   platforms or browsers"

is that what you were asking?

some authors, sensitive to this situation yet still wishing to use some sort
of character representation of  a dot or bullet, will opt to use •
(•), or · (·)

A Simple Character Entity Chart


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