[thelist] Its been 3 years...

Rob Smith rob.smith at THERMON.com
Thu Feb 6 09:34:01 CST 2003

Apparently I sparked some interest in Java Technology. Well the thought came
across my desk a few months ago as a "neat idea". :-o   I've developed a web
app that will find a rep by county. What If?... A sales rep in the field had
a wireless internet PDA/Phone and could access that information. I've played
with palm programming in college for a semester (C language) and survived.
So I asked my self if there was a way to access my rep database from a
wireless handheld and get instant info.

I realized just now by your comment "Mobile app?" that java technology could
do this. I'm not exactly sure of the % of people in the world surf the web?
on their mobile? looking for our products? are. Or better yet, I'm driving
down the road and I want to check my 401k (from my non-existent cell phone)
from our Intranet.

Just wanted to know how much I could utilize, how difficult or steep the
learning curve is, would it be worth my time investing into. The only reason
I'm truly curious about it, is its one of the few technologies I'm not
familiar with; and it seems to be a popular one (in some circles).

- me

 -- you'll wanna check out http://java.sun.com/ for all the latest and
greatest. What are you developing?  Enterprise web app? Desktop app? Mobile

Other fun & interesting sites:
Aaron Johnson
ajohnson at cephas.net

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