[thelist] Apache htaccess brain fade

Aleem Bawany aleem.bawany at utoronto.ca
Tue Feb 18 20:05:03 CST 2003

> I'm sure I need to plonk an .htaccess file in there, but I
> can't work out what the directives should be to allow a
> browser to see a list of files.

The first line should be Options +Indexes rather than just Indexes.
I ran into problems when I left out the + sign.
Some other options do help and are worth considering:

(displayed as a footnote with helpful instructions/tips)

(requires FancyIndexing I think - doesn't trim filenames to 30
 or so chars with a "..." in the end).

(displays folders on top, which most of us are used to)

(add a description associated with each file extension)

----- cut here -----
Options +Indexes

ReadmeName /directoryname/README.html
FancyIndexing on
IndexOptions NameWidth=*
IndexOptions FoldersFirst
AddDescription "My Perl script archive" pl
AddDescription "Cascading Style Sheet" css
----- end of .htaccess -----


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