[thelist] Js hiding email address

Kae Verens kverens at contactjuggling.org
Thu Feb 27 08:34:00 CST 2003

Benjer wrote:
>>the wha?
>>what are you trying to do?  what does your script generate?
> Sorry, basic idea is an rollover image with an email link.
> Just want to hide the email link from spamBots.

if you have the ability, then a form mailer is probably the best way to
do this - forget about publishing email addresses altogether.

Or, do a bit of reading at alistapart - one of the recent articles was
about obfuscating email addresses.

Kae Verens               _______\_   webworks.ie
pay:  www.webworks.ie       _____\\__   webhosts
play: www.contactjuggling.org  ___\\\___  design
  kae: kverens.contactjuggling.org _\\\\____ code

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