[thelist] re alt tags google vs accessability

Nick Freear n.freear at 2020speech.com
Mon Mar 3 05:04:01 CST 2003

I have tried going down the route suggested by the WAI and Bobby
[Option 1]

<h2><img src="x.gif" .. alt="University of Birmingham"
longdesc="aboutsite.html#img-crest" />
 <small><a class="longDesc" href="aboutsite.html#img-crest">d</a></small>

(not sure how good my 'longdesc' is!)  Although this approach seems useful
for 'illustration' images I'm now trying a cleaner approach for 'logo'
[Option 2]

<h2 id="subTitle"><span class="imgAlt">University of Birmingham</span></h2>

.imgAlt, .longDesc { display: none; }

h2#subTitle {
no-repeat center center;
  width:  186px;
  height: 65px;

This is I hope accessible and useful for search engines, also for
image-links.  The main hole in the design is when the (visual) user has
images disabled but uses the author style sheet - they see nothing!  I'd be
interested in what thelist thinks of 'Option 2'.

> Have a look at http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/html/alt.html for an
overview of the use of ALT tags.
A useful article.


Nick Freear


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