[thelist] Same Column Name Different Tables

Rob Smith rob.smith at THERMON.com
Wed Mar 12 13:35:36 CST 2003

Hi list,

I've got a about 7 different tables organized like this:

ProdMediaID		int		Not Null
ProductAuto		int		4
Link1			varchar	128
Title1		varchar	128
Link2			varchar	128
Title2		varchar	128

ProdMediaID		int		Not Null
ProductAuto		int		4
Link1			varchar	128
Title1		varchar	128
Link2			varchar	128
Title2		varchar	128

and so on. (In some instances the Link/Title combo goes to 24)

My SQL query is to the tune of:
Recordset1.Source = "SELECT p.productID, p.ProductDescription, Table_A.*,
Table_B.* FROM A_URLS Table_A, B_URLS Table_B WHERE bunch_of_stuff =
other_stuff ORDER BY that"

Now (finally) here's my question..

Can I do this:
<a href="<%=Recordset1.fields.item("Table_A.Link1").value%>" target="_top"

If I can't, how can I reference or differentiate same column names from
different tables in my ASP code?

For good measures, my LinksX column contains paths, my TitleX column
contains the link title/hyperlink text.


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