[thelist] site pirating

Tony Crockford tonyc at boldfish.co.uk
Thu Mar 20 09:05:29 CST 2003

> I don't mean to point fingers or anything, but its my
> inclination to wonder
> who is the victim n a situation like this.

A little poking around makes me firmly believe the indian site is a
direct copy.

on the mission page there is a link called contact us that goes to a
page called about-queen.html  highly unlikely that a company called
nu-tech would have chosen that filename for their contact page unless
theyd copied it from here:


another dead giveaway is the contact us graphic - it doesn't match the
others (it replaces "Meet the Queen" and on
http://www.nutech-systems.com/html/about-mission.html  the pop up tool
tip says:

About Vanilla.Company

where the link to meet the queen is to the page called about-queen.html

I'd suggest the real pirates are the design company - Kumar Gaurav
(mailto:kr_gaurav at yahoo.com)

I'd suggest an email to the director of nu-tech with a link to
vanilla.com and asking him how much he paid kumar!

The threat of legal action might just be enough.

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