[thelist] "Unknown Runtime Error" in IE5 for my JS..grrr

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Thu Apr 3 08:40:02 CST 2003


> From: Tom Dell'Aringa
> <script>

where's the language and type attributes?

where are the opening and closing html comments?

> window.open("addtest.html","add","resizable=yes,
> status=yes, width=400, height=300");

the third argument of the open() method must not have spaces in it.

> <a href="javascript: win()">launch win</a>

naughty, naughty, naughty.

> <script>

see first comment above.

> var item = 1
> function addItem()
> {
> 	target = window.opener;

i'd be careful of the word target.  you'd be better off doing something like
oOpener or oTarget.

> 	body = target.document.getElementById('t1body');
> 	body.innerHTML += addHTML;
> 	item += 1;

the word body has special meaning to ie.  change it to tBody or oT1body or



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