[thelist] CSS & IE 5.5 Puzzle

Kristof Neirynck k.neirynck at belgacom.net
Thu Jun 26 14:18:11 CDT 2003

Buffington, Michael wrote:
> I've been wrestling with this problem for a bit, and have come to the conclusion that I can go no further without help from thelist.
> The following HTML works smashingly in the newest IE and Moz browsers, yet IE 5.5 has a big problem with it. I'll do a quick paste of it, then explain my intentions:
> I've used every doctype from 4.01 transitional to XHTML Strict to no avail, in IE 5.5, the tables spans 100% of the _screen_ and not the DIV that it's contained within (the desired effect).
> It's a requirement that the table within the div span 100% of the div, and that the div have a right margin of x pixels. The borders are simply to reveal how the browser is rendering the div and table.
> Any ideas?
> Michael Buffington

   width:100%;/*for the good browsers*/

Star html Selector Bug:

* html #thetable{
   width:auto;/*for ie5*/
   w\idth:100%;/*for ie6*/

The table will not expand entirely in ie5, but at least it wont be wider 
than intended.
I'm not saying this is the best way, but it's the first I could think of.


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